
Web Tools

Various online tools that are all 100% free!

Base Converter - BlenderTimer Web Tool Base Converter
Convert base 10 (decimal) to base 2 or base 16 and more!
Compare (Size and Shape) - BlenderTimer Web Tool Compare (Size and Shape)
Compare the sizes of hundreds of objects!
Morse Code Translator - BlenderTimer Web Tool Morse Code Translator
Translate from English to Morse Code, or from Morse Code to English!
Pattern-Based Word Finder - BlenderTimer Web Tool Pattern-Based Word Finder Word Finder
Find words based on a pattern or specified set of rules!
Periodic Table Word Finder - BlenderTimer Web Tool Periodic Table Word Finder
Find periodic elements that spell the specified word!
Speed of Sound (in air) Calculator - BlenderTimer Web Tool Speed of Sound Calculator
Calculate the speed of sound in air or an object's Mach number!
Word Unscrambler - BlenderTimer Web Tool Word Unscrambler
Quickly unscramble words in multiple languages!

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