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Speed of Sound Calculator

Calculate the speed of sound in air!

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How to Calculate the Speed of Sound in Air

This is a simple formula for calculating the speed of sound in air:

331.228 × ((K ÷ 273.15) ^ 0.5) = Speed of Sound in m/s

331.288 is the speed of sound, in meters per second (m/s), at 0 degrees Celsius and K represents the temperature of the air in Kelvin. So the speed of sound at 0°C multiplied by the temperature of the air in Kelvin divided by 273.15 to the power of 0.5.

This formula can be easily modified to calculate the speed of sound from and to other measurements. For example, this formula calculates the speed of sound from the temperature of the air in degrees Celsius (°C) instead of Kelvin (K).

331.228 × (((C + 273.15) ÷ 273.15) ^ 0.5) = Speed of Sound in m/s

This formula calculates the speed of sound in miles per hour (mph) from the temperature of the air in degrees Fahrenheit (°F).

740.935 × (((((F - 32) × (5 ÷ 9)) + 273.15) ÷ 273.15) ^ 0.5) = Speed of Sound in mph

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