BlenderTimer Download

BT-LU (BlenderTimer-Limited Use) License

License Information





Last updated:

November 8, 2024



Permitted Uses

Any content provided under this license may be freely used for commercial and non-commercial use. However, no content provided under this license may be sold except by the copyright owner or with explicit permission from the copyright owner.

Content provided under this license may not be used in a deceptive, misleading, immoral, or inhumane way.


Attribution to the original author of any content provided under this license is appreciated but is never required. However, falsely claiming to be the author or copyright owner of any content protected by this license is strictly forbidden.


Content under this license may be modified or compiled into new works. However, the final work must be provided under this license (BT-LU) unless modification is significant enough to constitute a new and different work from the original content.

Creating identical or nearly identical duplications of content (or compilations of content) provided under this license is strictly forbidden unless the user has obtained explicit permission from the author.


You alone are liable for any repercussions which may occur from the use or misuse of any content provided under this license. The copyright owner and BlenderTimer may in no way be accounted liable for your use or misuse of any content provided under this license. You are solely responsible for obtaining any additional licenses or permissions which may be required for commercial or non-commercial use.

By using content provided under this license, you agree and acknowledge that this license is subject to change at anytime and permitted uses may be added or removed.